torsdag 3. november 2011

Every day-life + a walk to a "mountain"

It has been a long time since I last wrote about what we actually do down here. The simple reason for this, I guess, is that we are starting to get into a rhythm. There is less of the "ooo, exciting new country"-feeling, and the every-day life is slowly taking over.

We have now started our work. Håkon and I have a schedule that looks like this:
On mondays we are at the FOCUS-office, doing whatever needs to be done (which most days, is not much).

On tuesdays we are at CRO. CRO is a daycare-center for street children, where they can come, during the day, and receive food and teaching, with the goal of rehabilitating them to the point where they are able to go back to school and move off the streets (if you want to read more about CRO, I recommend the blogs of Hanna Charlotte and Benedicte B., since they work full time at the CRO-center in Mbale).
On wednesday is our day off. These days are normally spent washing clothes (we wash our clothes by hand (this normally takes 2-3 hours)).
On thursdays we slack at the office.
On fridays we will eventually start working with something called the Adina foundation (I don't quite know what they are all about...).
In addition to all these things we often take part in the fellowships (the different colleges' Christian meetings) during the evenings.

I have to say that this schedule really is a little misleading. It looks very slack... In reality: it's MUCH more slack :P The working days of the days we spend at the office normally start, pretty much, whenever we feel like it. This means that these days Eivind sleeps until around 9 o'clock, gets up, sits back down again, chills with a cup of tea, maybe devours some pieces of bread, takes a bath and slanders off at work at around 10:30. Some days, however, like f.e. today, Michael decides that there is no need for us to go to work, so we take a day at home instead. Lovely :D But Øystein, we really do work at times... No need for any rebuking calls or anything ;)

So, this is my everyday-life. But some days, something out of the ordinary happens. On sunday, for example, we went on a hike.  But as you can see from the heading, our mountain really feels more comfortable when it is put in between two quotation marks. I guess it was more of a small hill... :P Our companions for the day were Frank, Daniel and Morris. In the previous blog post are some pictures from the hike (Håkon is the very skilled photographer).

1 kommentar:

  1. Haha! Godt å høre at livet er avslappende der i øst.. Hils Håkon!(regner med at det han som overtar riket)

    God bless...
